RBHQ was born from the experience of three managers and entrepreneurs who have personally faced the challenges of SMEs. Our mission is clear: to help Italian companies grow, evolve and prosper in a complex market, with a concrete, tailored approach and an innovative vision.

Federico Rossi

Si è occupato di pianificazione strategica e M&A in banca d’affari, in grandi aziende italiane e in startup. Con un background analitico in Business Planning a servizio di operazioni straordinarie e strutture di capitale, coniuga rigore analitico a innovazione strategica e innovazioni di modelli di business.

Core Competencies:

Business Planning, Corporate Finance, Business Model Innovation

Mauro Casagrande

Esperto di M&A e gestione aziendale, imprenditore in settori tradizionali o Hi-Tech, amministratore delegato di importanti realtà aziendali italiane. Ha seguito decine di operazioni societarie e dialogato con i più importanti fondi d’investimento italiani ed esteri.

Core Competencies:

Corporate Finance, M&A, Gestione Aziendale

Federico Foli

Seniore Executive con oltre 25 anni di esperienza in riconosciute realtà multinazionali. Ha apportato una sostanziale esperienza nel Management, nella strategia e nella pianificazione in diversi settori industriali.

Core Competencies:

Leadership Development, Global Strategy & Business Development, Tech & Digital Transformation,

Core Competencies:

Business Planning, Corporate Finance, Business Model Innovation

Core Competencies:

Corporate Finance, M&A, Gestione Aziendale

Core Competencies:

Leadership Development, Global Strategy & Business Development, Tech & Digital Transformation,

Our Values

Our mission is simple: to help you grow

At RBHQ, our mission is simple yet profound: to empower SMEs to thrive in an ever-evolving market. We aim to deliver pragmatic, results-driven solutions tailored to your unique challenges.

We are proud to have collaborated with…

Our knowledge, your competitive advantage

Our goal is to share our deep expertise with as many companies as possible. This passion guides our path.
Over the years, we have refined our approach and vision of corporate life and doing business. We have gathered this expertise in multiple media and content, making it accessible to everyone for free.

Want to see how we work and what results you could achieve by collaborating with us?

Click the link below and discover today how RBHQ resources can transform your business.

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